Youth Exchange Program Rules

Section VIII of the Lions Club International Youth Camp and Exchange Application and Indemnity Form states in part: “If accepted to participate in the Lions International Youth Camp and Exchange Program, I will abide by its policies and procedures.   Any serious violation of the program’s policies and regulations on my part can, at the discretion of the YCE-chairperson, result in the immediate termination of my visit at my expense.” When signing the application, you are agreeing to the following Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

  1. I agree to follow all of the laws of the United States, Lions Clubs International and Lions Multiple District 33 rules, the rules of my host families, and my community. I agree that by following these rules I have the best possibility of having a great Exchange experience. I understand that my participation in the program is not for the purpose of tourism, formal education or employment, and that I will not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle during my visit in the host country.
  2. I will do my very best to adapt to my host families ways of life. I understand the purpose of the Lions Youth Camp and Exchange program is to give me the opportunity to learn about another culture. I realize that the people of the United States are free to express themselves, but I will not make any negative or cruel comments about anyone who is different from me, such as people who have a different skin color, religion, or national origin. Nor will I disrespect people who are disabled, or homosexual. I promise not to display sexist behavior and will always respect all women and mothers.
  3. I understand that I must be able to speak English, that I must arrange travel, lost luggage, medical and hospital insurance, and that I will require an American visa before departure.
  4. I understand that I represent my family, my sponsoring and hosting Lions Clubs, my community and country while I am living in Multiple District 33 on my Exchange. I will not intentionally do anything to disgrace any of them or myself.
  5. I will treat the property of my host families, and my community with respect. I understand that if I damage or lose any property belonging to someone else that I will have to pay to have it replaced or repaired.
  6. I will not expect my host families to be tour guides or to take me on expensive trips around the country. I agree to accept my host community whether it is a city, suburb, or rural area. I will make the best of each opportunity to immerse into the culture of my families and community. I agree to spend the time with my host families as they request and will abide by their time schedules and curfews.
  7. I understand that smoking is not permitted at the Camp, in any vehicles of conveyance connected to the Camp, or any enclosed space off Camp.
  8. I understand that if I use alcohol or illegal drugs, if I drive a motorized vehicle, if I steal or shoplift, or if I behave in a sexually inappropriate way, I may be dismissed from the Lions Program immediately and sent home at my own expense. I will not receive a probationary period for these offenses.
  9. I understand that I must contact the Multiple District Youth Camp and Exchange Chairperson immediately if I feel there is the possibility that I have been the victim of assault or abuse. My safety is very important to Lions, and they can only help if they know that I have a problem. My information will be kept confidential and limited to only those who need to know. I will not be sent home for reporting.
  10. I fully understand that extended personal travel or leaves during the program are not permitted, even to visit close friends or relatives, unless written permission is included with this application.
  11. I understand that any serious violation of the program’s policies and regulations on my part can, at the discretion of the Youth Camp and Exchange chairperson, result in the immediate termination of my visit at my expense.
  12. As a student selected for an exchange, I agree to abide by these rules and others imposed on me with due notice during my time as an exchange student in the host country.

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